Arthur-Petersen-Preis 2023
77Arthur-Petersen-Prize 2023
Exhibition of the four winners:
Neele Marie Denker, Meret Oppermann, Louise Preuß, Elkin Salamanca
The Arthur Petersen Prize will be awarded for the first time in fall 2023. It is endowed with a total of 10,000 euros. The prize is awarded by the art academy's scholarship jury for special artistic or design achievements from each degree program at the Muthesius Academy of Fine Arts and Design. Four prizes of 2,500 euros each are awarded to selected final theses or final projects by Master's graduates.
The winner of the Fine Art course is Elkin Salamanca. Born in Bogotá in 1995, the artist has already studied art in Colombia and Mexico before completing his master's degree in graphic design at the Muthesius Academy of Fine Arts in 2021. In his work “Reflections on self-absorption using ice as a metaphor”, Elkin Salamanca has compiled thoughts on isolation, fragility and pain.
Louise Preuß will receive the award in the Communication Design course: The graduate has chosen to focus on language and form as well as philosophy and has dealt with various forms of expression in her master's thesis “(not)(writing)”. Because the answers to central questions from Hélène Cixous' text “Weiblichkeit in der Schrift” seemed impossible to her, she tried out alternative ways of expressing herself in order to respond to work without a goal, research without a question. Her experiments resulted in two texts of her own.
The Arthur Petersen Prize in the Industrial Design course goes to Meret Oppermann. Born in Hamburg in 1994, the designer continued her studies at the Bauhaus University Weimar in Kiel, where she completed her Master's degree in Medical Design. Her thesis project “ORMO” deals with oral motor skills, the training of the mouth muscles. Meret Oppermann has developed a joystick for the tongue that trains oral motor skills and can correct speech and swallowing deficits in children and adults.
Neele Marie Denker receives an award in the Spatial Strategies course: Born in Kiel in 1993, the curator and exhibition designer dealt with the topic of “Hospitality as (post)curatorial practice” in her master's thesis. The practical part “Be my guest - or would you like to be the host” comprises a curated infrastructure that aims to bring people together in curatorial situations, question existing discourses and renegotiate established structures.