Frightened of old ideas – Kulturen digitaler Bilder
108OPENING: Monday, May 13, 2024, 6 p.m., with award ceremony
As part of the Digital Week Kiel, the spce | Muthesius is showing an exhibition on the topic of media and image literacy, in which works by students from the Muthesius Academy of Fine Arts and Design are presented alongside award-winning student works from the Mal digital competition of the state program Zukunft Schule im Digitalen Zeitalter (Future School in the Digital Age). There will also be various workshops dedicated to the possibilities of digital media.
with: Melanie Appelt, Thiemo Frömberg, Annika Frye, Lisa Karnauke, Dorothee Knapp, Lena Krüger, Yeil Joo, Emily Steiner, Tiny Design School, Maj-Brit Wussow
Yasmin Schützmann-Birkandan, Ambre Saidani-Willem, Lareib Khan, Benjamin Bergner, Linus Vierck, Charlotte Stellmacher, Marlena Johnsen, Pia Coester, Eva Kroll, Levi Womelsdorf, Thore Hallmann, Simon Kloppenburg, Tobbe Kindermann, Nils Freese
Christian Kock, Liviana Bleckwenn, Philipp Döll, Frieda Conrad, Anna Link, Maja Tonia, Emma Schumann
Natascha Thiel, Anton Tunnermann, Johann Krusche, Ismail Rufat, Maya Sperling
Kiara Velleuer, Anna Günther, Johanna Geier, Viktoria Knaub
Lisa Steinmetz, Anissija Adamenko, Lilly Bruhn, Lisa Bruhn, Alina Evdochimov, Narges Hasanzadeh, Samira Lauk, Martha Ohnesseit, Samaa Qiam, Laura Schulz-Douglas, Beyza Türköz, Hatice Yildiz, Khaled Azeizi, Jerome Castor-Engels, Jean Carlos Flores Camacho, Henri Lehmann, Andrej Mojsov, Louis Sternberg, Emma Stadler
Achim Kirsch, Ole-Fokko Rygulla, Rafael Vieira Hosek, Matti Beck, Maximilian Steinmann, Matilda Mumm, Tilda Green
The art exhibition is a component of the state program Future School in the Digital Age, initiated by the IQSH State Art Advisory Service, the IQSH Regional Aesthetics Advisory Service and the Educational Engineer Art, in collaboration with the spce | Muthesius, curated by Sven Christian Schuch, Artistic Director spce | Muthesius.
Every day, students create, share and communicate with digital images. The self-determined and competent production as well as the critical handling of images are key skills for social and professional participation, now - and in the future.
Art teaching has a central role to play here, as it is the only subject that has the image, whether in analog or digital form, and the teaching of image skills at its core. The subject can draw on a long tradition of teaching contemporary media, meaning that innovative teaching concepts are already being implemented for current developments. The BDK-SH e.V. professional association for art education awards a prize for the most innovative teaching concept.
During the Digital Week, students from the Muthesius Academy of Fine Arts and Design will intervene at the central event location in the foyer of the InnoPier building, Martensdamm 6, Kiel, and use this as their stage. In doing so, they will demonstrate the power of art and information design to bundle complex content, present it aesthetically and initiate new approaches and solutions.
sp ce | Muthesius, Andreas-Gayk-Straße 7-11 &
Foyer of the InnoPier building, Martensdamm 6
(open Mon-Thu, see Digital Week event schedule)