Themenabend mit Prof. Christian Teckert, Raumstrategie, Screening TOTAL LIVING INDUSTRY II & Gespräch zu CURATING THE URBAN
A day in the individual spaces of the algorithmic city
A video essay by Christian Teckert (20:28min)
In Total Living Industry II, architectures in a contemporary metropolis like Tokyo are examined along the daily routine of a fictional person, in which the impact of an algorithmic culture of the present unfolds invisibly but all the more efficiently. As a collection of symptomatic spaces of a city shaped by feedback, evaluations and individualised profiles, the video essay raises the question under what conditions publicity still emerges here and how access to its spaces is successively regulated by data-based codes and algorithms. The places in the video:
A konbini (convenience store)
A Manga Kissa / Architecture by fan inc. (2015)
An office space accessible via Spacee
A shared house
The Shibaura House / Architecture by Kazuyo Sejima (2011)
A Tsutaya Bookstore / Architecture by Klein Dytham (2011)
The film was created as part of the FWF PEEK-funded project CURATING THE URBAN in the HALFWAY project space in Vienna (2020)
Camera: Linda Lackner, Christian Teckert, Wolfgang Thaler
Editing: Christian Teckert, Wolfgang Thaler
Voice: Caitlin Berrigan
Translation: Peter Blakeney & Christine Schöffler
Sound: A New Day by Kaitlyn Aurelia Smith & Suzanne Ciani