Von Status quo bis Zukunft – Ein städteplanerischer Walk durch die Innenstadt mit Jesko Mühlenberend, Projektkoordinator Stadtplanungsamt Landeshauptstadt Kiel
94Jesko Mühlenberend, project coordinator in the city planning office of the state capital Kiel, takes us on an exclusive walk through Kiel city centre.
*First of all: Under what general conditions is urban development currently taking place?
*On location: What ideas and projects currently exist for the revitalisation of Kiel's city centre?
*Ahead: What is the status of the projects and what are the next milestones?
*Above all: How and when can art and design participate in “formalised” urban development and initiate new projects outside of established structures?
Afterwards we will meet for a relaxed conclusion and wrap-up in the Futur Fiction office in spce | Muthesius.