Anders Prey – Kanagawa’s Revenge

03/10 15:00  —  03/11/24 19:00

Anders Prey - Kanagawa's Revenge
Concrete, wood
@Kiel boat harbor

October 3rd - November 3rd, 2024

October 3rd, from 2 p.m. opening with performance
November 2nd/3rd, from 4 p.m. to 7 p.m. night session & finissage (as part of the Lichtermeer Kiel)

Curated by Sven Christian Schuch

Thematically based on Kiel and its proximity to the water, Kanagawa's Revenge is reminiscent of a giant wave making its way along the lower end of the harbor. Glazed in various shades of blue, the individual elements are clearly visible and create a rhythm of movement. The wave shape not only serves as a fluid form of movement for skating, it also refers to the origins of skateboarding, which was once invented by surfers in the USA and from there spread all over the world.

 With his sculpture, Anders Prey wants to encourage an open approach to skateboard culture and symbolically bring the sea back to Kiel's city center. The harbor and the Kleiner Kiel once formed a branch of the Kiel Fjord, the sea water flowed naturally and surrounded almost the entire old town area. Kanagawa's Revengedraws attention to today's separation and reminds us how interventions in the infrastructure have far-reaching consequences for the river and the lifeblood of a city.

 At the opening and finissage, the sculpture will become a stage for skate performances by professional skaters who use the "wave" for their art.

As part of:
going public - Of public interest
Curated by Sven Christian Schuch
commissioned & produced by sp ce | Muthesius
Supported by Muthesius Academy of Fine Arts and Design
& with funds for art in public spaces by state capital Kiel

More information on the individual projects, artists & locations at

Further events within going public - Von öffentlichem Interesse:
Nikolas Tesch - vacant 19/06 — 30/06/24 132
Lara Meise - (Elegant rags in times of decadence (The Memoir) 27/06 — 15/10/24 133
PIKPorree Kollektiv – Kaffekränzchen im Trialog Part 1 02/07/24 136
OTO ∙ N ∙ Listening Room by Lucas Winterhalter & Janto Schönberg 03/07 — 24/10/24 137
PIKPorree Kollektiv – Kaffekränzchen im Trialog Part 2 04/07/24 142
PIKPorree Kollektiv – Kaffekränzchen im Trialog Part 3 11/07/24 143
Florian Huber – Ruhender Fortschritt 17/07 — 17/11/24 144
Kalle Spielvogel - Animadversio 26/09 — 17/11/24 153
Moli II – Lea Maginski & Paul Dorobisz 30/10/24 155
SOCIAL spaces DESIGN, DESIGN spaces SOCIAL 05/11/24 156
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