Nikolas Tesch - vacant

19/06 18:00  —  30/06/24 10:00

Nikolas Tesch - vacant
Light installation, LED tubes and LED spotlights
@ Holsten Pavillon, Ziegelteich 2 under the overpass to Karstadt
viewed from the outside

Curated by Sven Christian Schuch
In the context of going public - Of public interest

Empty shop spaces, unused buildings or abandoned halls are omnipresent in the cityscape, marking empty spaces, gaping like gaps and at the same time hardly noticeable. Vacant spaces are actively concealed in an inner-city culture dominated by consumption, disappearing into everyday life – especially at night. They disappear, blend in calmly with the hustle and bustle of the city, are meaningless architecture.

 The vacant installation breathes a bizarre life into the vacant space through targeted lighting, and is brought back into the collective consciousness of urban society through light accents. LED tubes reinforce the edges and corners of the existing architecture. The silhouette – the hollowed-out skeleton in the middle of the city – becomes visible. At night – at a time when the city center is at rest – Its interior presents itself, emphasizing the emptiness, only to blend in again during the day.

 As part of going public - Of public interest, Nikolas Tesch will devote himself to 'forgotten' places in Kiel's city center and bring them to life with his light installation, some for the last time. The first is the former Blumen-Muth Pavilion at Ziegelteich 2. Here the installation marks a beginning, a moment of reanimation for further artistic performances until mid-November.

Supported by Muthesius Academy of Fine Arts and Design &
with funds for art in public spaces by state capital Kiel

Further events within going public - Von öffentlichem Interesse:
Lara Meise - (Elegant rags in times of decadence (The Memoir) 27/06 — 15/10/24 133
PIKPorree Kollektiv – Kaffekränzchen im Trialog Part 1 02/07/24 136
OTO ∙ N ∙ Listening Room by Lucas Winterhalter & Janto Schönberg 03/07 — 24/10/24 137
PIKPorree Kollektiv – Kaffekränzchen im Trialog Part 2 04/07/24 142
PIKPorree Kollektiv – Kaffekränzchen im Trialog Part 3 11/07/24 143
Florian Huber – Ruhender Fortschritt 17/07 — 17/11/24 144
Kalle Spielvogel - Animadversio 26/09 — 17/11/24 153
Anders Prey – Kanagawa’s Revenge 03/10 — 03/11/24 158
Moli II – Lea Maginski & Paul Dorobisz 30/10/24 155
SOCIAL spaces DESIGN, DESIGN spaces SOCIAL 05/11/24 156
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