Performances: Lea Maginski & Luisa Lukas

03/06 18:00  —  03/06/23 22:00

On the final day of the exhibition Klangkulisse – The Sound of(f)... a performance evening with Lea Maginski and Luisa Lukas will be dedicated to the topic of emotionally charged memory structures.

Memory is the mental reliving of past experiences. Memories contain pictorial elements, scenes that unfold like a film, noises and timbres, often smells and, above all, feelings. Usually memories can be retrieved without any problems. But what if this is not possible? What happens to these memories? How can you make them tangible?

Lea Maginski's Intrauterine project consists of four costumes. It deals with prenatal trauma and the resulting feeling of powerlessness. The costumes translate vague memories and feelings, for which words can never be found, into tangible and tactile objects. The visual appearance initially moves into the background, the haptic level is important. How do I feel with the costumes on? What possible memories do I associate with them? For spce | Muthesius, the sculptural costumes are now staged in a performance, emotionally activated and can be experienced interactively.

Luisa Lukas' project Modular Youth is a video-based sound performance that reacts to the image seen in an interactive and dramatic way. The project deals with the earliest memories of childhood. It examines dealing with one's own ego and the poetic return to the subjectivity of experienced events. Image and sound are in dialogue with each other, sound traces are recorded live. Glitches and pixel aesthetics convey emotions of melancholy to the viewer. A recurring feature of the performance is the use of both analogue and digital technology tools.

Further events within Klangkulisse – The Sound of(f)...:
Kuratorenführung 03/06/23 57
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